Mosaic: Showcasing interactive media, photography, audio, and other student work


This semester’s Mosaic: Spring 2024

Mosaic is a hybrid (online and in-person) exhibition showcasing the diverse and thought-provoking media arts created by the Cinema & Communications students at Dawson college. The exhibition includes Interactive media arts & storytelling, screenplays, audio productions (audio plays, essays & podcasts), photography & graphic design and other media-based projects. 

Any Cinema-Communications student can submit their work. However, please note that the exhibition is curated and juried. 


Spring 2024

Find this semester’s Mosaic work here!

This semester’s Mosaic will take place from May 21st to May 23rd in 3A1.

A vernissage will be held on May 21st from 4pm – 7pm, where awards for the best projects will be given out.

Submissions are currently being accepted. Mosaic accepts the following types of projects:


  • Interactive Media Arts & Storytelling
  • Script/Screenplay
  • Audio (Podcast, sound design, audio stories)
  • Photography & Graphic Arts
  • Video Arts & Essays
  • Cross Media Projects (combining 2 or more media) 

Submissions are now closed. 

Submit to Mosaic

Any student taking a Cinema-Communications class at Dawson can submit the work they’ve done as part of their courses. Students are invited to submit creative media works which they produced during the Winter 2024 semester. Please note that only selected works will be featured in the exhibition. 

Submissions are now closed. 


Previous Mosaic Websites

Mosaic websites from previous semesters can be found here: